We are pleased to announce, Foxford School celebrated their “Good” rating by Ofsted in January.

An except from the report reads:

“Leaders and staff have high aspirations for all. They say ‘We want pupils to excel in everything they do at Foxford.’ They expect high standards from pupils, staff and themselves. On the whole, these standards are met.

Curriculum leaders have thought carefully about the order in which to teach topics. This ensures that pupils’ learning builds logically on what they already know. As a result, pupils learn more and remember more in most subjects.

Pupils understand leaders’ high expectations for behaviour. Typically, pupils meet these standards. They know there is someone to talk to if they need help or support. When bullying takes place, it is dealt with effectively. Pupils develop trusting relationships with their peers and teachers. Pupils value the help available that supports their mental health and well-being. They know how to keep themselves safe and are safe in school. Pupils accept each other’s differences.

Pupils enjoy attending this school. They are happy and polite. They are well prepared for the next stage in their education, training or employment. Pupils take part in a range of visits, sports, music and drama clubs. This extends their learning. Pupils are keen to make a positive contribution to the local community.”

Download the full report below: