Teaching Training at CPT

Welcome to the Castle Phoenix Alliance Initial Teacher Training section of our website.  We hope that you are able to find all of the information that you require, but please use the emails provided on the contact us page if you require further clarification.  Please enjoy finding out more about us, our schools and what we offer.

We are pleased that you are considering a career in teaching and feel privileged that you are considering being part of our amazing team. Joining us is just the start of a rewarding and exciting career in education.  

About us

Castle Phoenix Alliance consists of Castle Phoenix Trust; a MAT of six schools (three primary and three secondary) and Bluecoat School, Coventry (Inspire Education Trust).

We recognise the importance of investing in future generations of teachers and school leaders, and as such, are committed to providing trainees with a thorough training experience in a supportive and developmental environment.  We offer excellent teacher training and are proud to nurture and support teachers at all stages of their career, whether this is through initial teacher training, delivering the Early Career Framework to further develop Early Career Teachers, broadening the skills set of our Y3-5 teachers or fast-tracking future leaders and developing them through our Raising Leaders Modules.  

At Castle Phoenix Trust, there is a Trust Lead responsible for initial teacher training across the six schools, leads in each school for ITT and Early Career development and experienced phase or subject mentors who will nurture trainees in teaching pedagogy, pastoral and subject specialisms.  All trainees are surrounded by a strong network of experienced and dedicated professionals who tailor their mentoring to the individuals that they are working with and foster effective and respectful working relationships. 

We are able to offer a number of different routes through training:

  • PGCE placements (University route)
  • School Led placements
  • Teachfirst placements
  • Apprenticeships

Trainees in Castle Phoenix Trust Schools also benefit from a wide range of professional development opportunities across our Trust, such as networking with colleagues from other schools, training from inspirational external speakers and attendance at our fantastic Learning and Teaching conference as well as support with welfare and wellbeing though our Thrive at Work Charter.

For further information about our schools and placements, please browse the rest of our teacher training pages.

Interested in applying for a place to train with us?

If you would like to know more about our Alliance, Castle Phoenix Trust or the training pathways that we offer, then we would warmly welcome you to contact us via Kate Rogers strogersk@caludoncastle.co.uk or Karen Brown brownk@caludoncastle.co.uk

All applications for postgraduate teacher training are made though gov.uk  Apply for teacher training – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) 

Interested in experience prior to applying?

If you are looking for a school placement or experience prior to making your teacher training application then please contact us via Kate Rogers strogersk@caludoncastle.co.uk