Join Our Trust Board

Castle Phoenix Trust believes in the importance of governance and has a robust governance structure in place.

We are constantly reviewing our needs and the make up of the Board as the Trust grows and the needs of governance evolve. If you think you can add something and would relish the challenges and opportunities that being a Trustee bring then we would love to speak to you.

The Trustees of Castle Phoenix Trust are looking to increase the expertise on the Trust Board and are particularly interested in hearing from those with skills and experience at a strategic level in the following areas:

  • Accounting and Finance
  • Education
  • Human Resources
  • Audit & Risk

What does a Trustee do?

The Board of Trustees manages the business of the Academy Trust and may exercise all the powers of the Academy Trust. The board focuses strongly on the three core functions of governance:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  • Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the performance management of staff; and
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.

The Trustees must ensure compliance with the Trust’s charitable objects and with company and charity law. The Board of Trustees signs off the annual accounts and is responsible for adherence to the Trust’s funding agreement with the Secretary of State. It is the Trustees who are therefore responsible for the Trust’s accountability to Parliament and to the Secretary of State as the Principal Regulator of academies as exempt charities.

How does it differ from a school specific governor?

Trustees delegate some functions to Local Governing Bodies (LGBs) which sit for each Academy within the trust. The Local Governors within the LGBs focus purely on improving standards at that individual Academy. A Trustee is not school specific but will have an overarching and strategic view of all schools in the Trust.

What’s the commitment involved and what is in it for me?

Currently Trustees meet up to six times a year for board or committee meetings, including two planning events. You will also need to allow time to prepare for these meetings, ensuring papers are read and suitable challenging questions are formulated. You will need to make a commitment to attend training to expand your knowledge of governance.

Although the position of a Trustee is purely a voluntary position, it is rewarding and allows you to make a difference to the lives of young people in your community. You will gain new skills and experience and get the chance to meet and work with other Trustees who are as passionate about improving educational outcomes as you are.

How do I register an interest in becoming a Trustee?

We would love to meet you to discuss how your skills and expertise could benefit the Trust. Please email, Karen Steele, Deputy Head of Operations with a copy of your CV to